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Tonawanda Back Muscles Relax with Happy Emotions

Emotions influence our mind and body reactions. Happy emotions make us smile. Sad emotions make us frown. These reactions are the outer reactions we usually observe. What about other emotional, inside reactions? Researchers are studying these. A new study about emotions and back muscle reactions captured the attention of Chiropractic Spine Sports And Rehabilitation who cares for many Tonawanda back pain sufferers. It’s a reminder to consider the whole person - mind and body! – and to sit upright.


When someone is depressed or just in a sad mood, how can you tell? Slumped forward, eyes to the ground, fatigued? We have all seen this. Upright posture does so much to increase positivity and reduce fatigue and anxiety. (1) Body posture may well influence emotional reactions! In an interesting twist in this story of the relationship between muscular states and emotions, researchers discovered that upright seated postures are advantageous. Upright seated posture in constrast to a slumped seated posture was noted to raise self-esteem, arousal, and mood as well as reduce fear. Linguists noted that slumped posture people used more negative emotion words and fewer words than upright posture people. They therefore suggested in their study to sit upright when facing a stressful situation as it can keep self-esteem in check, lessen self-focus, decrease negative mood and generate a positive mood. Speech rate increased, too. Sitting upright may be a means to foster resilience to stress. (2) Chiropractic Spine Sports And Rehabilitation notices firsthand how emotions impact Tonawanda chiropractic patients, especially stressed, sad Tonawanda back pain patients.


For back pain sufferers – who are certainly not immune to a sad mood! – physical responses like slumping are not uncommon. In an electromyographic study of back muscles, it was found that negative emotions raised differential back muscle activity while positive emotions did not. The muscles were undisturbed, not having to react at all. (3) While healing, the back pain sufferer’s spine doesn’t need any extra stimuli. Chiropractic Spine Sports And Rehabilitation offers gentle Tonawanda chiropractic spinal manipulation via Cox® Technic to relax its muscles and reduce its pain.

CONTACT Chiropractic Spine Sports And Rehabilitation

Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. James Cox on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he describes the benefits of the Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management benefits aback pain patient’s spine, muscle, and system.  

Schedule your Tonawanda chiropractic appointment soon. If stress or emotions make you slump and aggravate your back pain, Chiropractic Spine Sports And Rehabilitation is here to ease the pain, prompt you to sit up straight (like your parents used to say!), and find a way to make you smile! 

Chiropractic Spine Sports And Rehabilitation encourages a positive outlook and upright body position to bolster healing from back pain.  
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