Spinal discs need nutrients to
be healthy and functional. For a variety of reasons, spinal discs may become
unhealthy and dysfunctional leading to such issues as disc degeneration, disc
herniation, and back pain or neck pain (or both since disc degeneration is a
systemic not a local disease: If disc degeneration is in one spinal area, it may well appear in
another.). Chiropractic Spine Sports And Rehabilitation cares for spinal discs. Chiropractic Spine Sports And Rehabilitation understand
spinal discs. Chiropractic Spine Sports And Rehabilitation offers a comprehensive,
gentle and effective Tonawanda chiropractic treatment plan for spinal
discs when they are healthy and functional as well as when they are unhealthy
and dysfunctional.
In recent years,
the most interesting reports about spinal discs are those that talk about the
potential that discs can regenerate if they’ve degenerated. How do most people
know their discs have degenerated? They find their back or neck hurts and then
become Tonawanda chiropractic patients. Chiropractic Spine Sports And Rehabilitation manages
these degenerated discs with a chiropractic spinal manipulation and nutritional
approach to boost the potential for regeneration as much as possible.
And what about spinal nutrition?
Researchers point out that disc degeneration results from impaired cellular
activity. They profess that by adding active cells to the
disc, normal cellular activity may follow. However, they
also note that there must be some healthy cells still in the spinal disc for
the implanted ones to work! What marks a healthy disc? One filled with
nutrients. When discs degenerate, they lose their nutrients which limits the
potential for them to regenerate. So what should a Tonawanda back pain
or neck pain sufferer with disc degeneration do? Feed the disc. (1)
Now how does the disc get its
nutrients? From the blood supply via the outer edges of the disc which butt up
to the endplates of the bone of the vertebral bodies above and below. (2) This
is called diffusion. These edges must be healthy, too, so the flow is
unimpeded. (3) That’s where spinal manipulation comes into play.
So how does chiropractic spinal
manipulation help? Spinal manipulation creates a push-pull-pumping effect
between the endplates and the disc to encourage nutrient exchange. (4) Chiropractic Spine Sports And Rehabilitation chooses to use Cox Technic
flexion distraction to produce this effect. Further, as compression causes disc
degeneration, distraction results in regeneration. (5) And 28 days of
compression specifically results in degeneration of the vertebral endplate and reduced
flow through the endplate ending with disc degeneration; 28 days of distraction
allows regeneration of the endplate and the recovery of flow. (6,7)
So contact Chiropractic Spine Sports And Rehabilitation
today. Tonawanda chiropractic care involving Cox Technic and nutrition
(such nutrients as chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine sulfate, glycosaminoglycan
and such) may just be your path to healthier and more functional spinal discs and
back pain and neck pain relief.

"This information and website content is not intended to diagnose, guarantee results, or recommend specific treatment or activity. It is designed to educate and inform only. Please consult your physician for a thorough examination leading to a diagnosis and well-planned treatment strategy. See more details on the
DISCLAIMER page. Content is reviewed by
Dr. James M. Cox I."