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Spine Articles

Tonawanda Chiropractic Care Respects the Spine

Chiropractic Spine Sports And Rehabilitation offers respectful care for painful spines according the best clinical guidelines for non-surgical relief of back pain and neck pain.

Fear of the Damaged Back

Chiropractic Spine Sports And Rehabilitation helps relieve the fear of back pain and the fear of moving while reducing the back pain itself. 

Chiropractic Care for C7/T1 Disc Herniations

The C8 disc usually refers pain down the arm and into the pinky finger. Chiropractic Spine Sports And Rehabilitation knows it may cause other issues, too, which chiropractic can help.

Non-Surgical Care for Painful Spines

Back pain care guidelines point to care Chiropractic Spine Sports And Rehabilitation specializes in – non-drug and non-surgical. Tonawanda chiropractic treatment is relieving.

The Chiropractic Back Pain Whisperer

The Tonawanda back pain specialist at Chiropractic Spine Sports And Rehabilitation is a spine whisperer who hears (feels!) where it is stiff and needs extra attention to get pain relief.

What To Do With Lumbar Spinal Stenosis?

Chiropractic Spine Sports And Rehabilitation treats spinal stenosis non-surgically, the way the medical/surgical literature is reporting as beneficial compared with spine surgery and fusion.